
Holistic Wellness Testimonials
"I want to tell you how happy and grateful I am that [my friend] told me about you. I honestly don't know what I would have done....I was so close to giving up. These past 10 years with insomnia and 8 years of allergies have been the worst. I don't even know how I function sometimes. I am now sleeping and feeling so much better. Once again thank you for everything and for being understanding."
A., Houston
“I just have to say, what a spectacular time I had with Sonya on Monday! Too few places have what Heights of Health brings. Abundance is here; delivering serenity. A visit here is always long overdue. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
C. C., Houston
"I am feeling AMAZING! Feeling really calm and happy in myself, full of self-love and feeling the flow! Wow! What a wonderful way to be! Even as tension arises, I am able to smile and laugh at the transience of conflict. Thank you, thank you thank you!”
J. A.
"I’ve been working with Amanda since April 2019 and what a life-changing experience it has been. I’ve learned so much about nutrition and how you can use what you eat to support yourself (which before felt more like a chore), how to manage my anxiety, and feel more balanced on a day-to-day basis. She’s made everything regarding my health feel much more solvable, when I thought so much of my discomfort was just how it was for everybody. I reached out to Amanda to help with my gut health, which has never been better, and some adult acne that I’d had for a little over a year, that now has completely cleared up; but, really, it helped me in every area of my life. I’ve always felt very overwhelmed by nutrition, there is just so much information and I never knew where to begin; but with the knowledge and resources Amanda has given me, I feel more confident than ever. I never knew that so much of what I was experiencing was all connected, and always felt that healthcare providers never listened to me or would just try to give me medicine without working to get to the root, which gave me a very big insecurity about going to the doctor or dealing with my health - not to mention an extreme anxiety. All that changed when I started working with Amanda. She explains things in a way that anyone could understand. She is endlessly compassionate and truly wants you to leave her sessions feeling better. I have felt seen, known, and understood by her every step of the way because she’s an incredible listener, while also being a creative problem solver. I couldn’t recommend working with Amanda more highly, she’s the first person I recommend when anyone starts talking to me about nutrition. I feel lucky to have gotten to work with her, and even luckier to know her! She has truly changed my life!"
“I just had to tell you that Sophie’s [the family doggie] nose is booger free and has been since we got here…she’s definitely cleared of cottonwood…me too!! Everyone else here in town is suffering like crazy and we’re not!
Wooohooo!!! Thanks a million!"
L. T. M.
“I thank God for finding you!... Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had been inundated with major stressors and pollutants, and [you’ve] helped rid me of major allergies and anxieties. I’m so thankful. I sincerely recommend HoH to any new client, and I trust that their case will be met with the same care and concern as mine was."
K. E., Texas
“I cannot even begin to explain what a gift Tracy has been to my life. After only one session, I knew my life was about to get a whole lot better. After five sessions…my life had been completely changed. I truly feel that I’m the healthiest I’ve been in all of my almost 50 years. I feel as though my body has been healed from the inside out, both physically and emotionally. Heights of Health is the best kept secret in Houston in my opinion!”
J. W.
“I am leaving for Europe tomorrow, but just had to write to you before I left, to tell you how much better I am feeling. My body feels in balance again!! I've been taking the supplements religiously... I am not feeling bloated anymore, and do not have any of the symptoms I had before... I just feel so much better than I did before going on the supplements. You are an amazing practitioner, and I don't know how to thank you enough. Just to say, YOU are the one I am coming to whenever I have a problem, always and forever. You are a magician. If I'd listened to doctors, I'm convinced they would have put me "under the knife" so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. There aren't words strong enough to thank you adequately.”
J. K.
“Nothing I have done or will do in the future will come close as to what you have done for me. You are great! Well, the reason I love heights of health and the staff so much is because this was my last hope. I did almost everything for my allergies and was sick and tired of having them. I share my experience all the time and people believe me because they know how much I suffered in the past...I have so much faith in your practice that I have 3 people lined up and possibly more after this week. I have been talking to many people who are suffering and I want to help them experience Heights of Health.”
J. N., Houston
“I cannot even begin to express the gratitude and affection I feel for those at Heights of Health who walked each step of the way with me on my journey towards excellent health and happiness. You truly are amazing individuals. I spent most of my 43 yrs dealing with some type of food and environmental allergies. It finally got to the point that the last time I was tested, I was highly allergic to EVERY item tested for except orange, peach and saline. I was taking 5 different allergy prescriptions every day just to be able to function. Years of subjecting my body to everyday allergens as well as all the foods I was allergic to caused my entire system to be in a state of total chaos. I suffered from constant yeast infections. I had Helicobacter- pylori that no amount of antibiotic treatment could get rid of. My adrenal and lymphatic systems were barely functioning. I was on blood pressure and cholesterol medication. I was always exhausted. It finally got to the point that every time I ate, I suffered some type of anaphylaxis. By the time I came to Heights of Health, I had all but given up hope of ever leading a normal life. From my very first visit and treatment I noticed a change. With each additional treatment, my health improved to the point that I am in excellent health today. My food and environmental allergies have all been eliminated. I no longer suffer from Candida or Helicobacter-pylori. My adrenal and lymphatic systems are back in action. My blood pressure and cholesterol are in a good healthy range. I am no longer on any medication of any kind. My energy level is such that I am now able to practice a healthy exercise routine. Life is good! Thank you Heights of Health for giving me my life back! My husband would also like to thank you for giving him his wife back!”
J.C., Texas
“I have been helped by many effective body workers and health practitioners over the years. I am very grateful to each and every one for their experience, expertise, compassion and service. And, having said that, Tracy Southwick [has] had the most potent effect on my health since I became seriously ill eight years ago. For the past eight years I have had some serious systemic health issues such as chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, Candida overgrowth and parasites with symptoms of chronic pain, allergies, low energy, fatigue, and thyroid malfunction. Migraines and heavy menstrual bleeding have also plagued me for over 20 years. I have been receiving three to four [ECR] clearings per month for the past eight months. I was in constant chronic pain that was not resolved with acupuncture, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, CranioSacral, exercise, hands on healing, massage, pH management, psychic surgery or stretching. It affected my sleep, my mood and my ability to perform normal activities. Two things have resolved this issue: 1) initiating [ECR] clearings and 2) identifying chemical sensitivities and toxic mold in my environment. Tracy helped me with [ECR] clearings for the toxins. I removed myself as much as I could from the environments and then Tracy also recommended and I purchased an air filter to kill mold. I could breathe more easily and the pain started fading away. What has resolved are the following. I have NO pain! None. I no longer have fatigue. I no longer have to take an afternoon nap every day. I no longer take 2-3 hours to wake up every morning. sleep well. I am able to dream again and wake up rested. I can breathe so much better and more deeply. My plantar warts are suddenly gone after four years.
Recently, I had my first cold and viral infection since I contacted Lyme eight years ago. Believe it or not, that was good news for me. My immune system had been so debilitated I could not fight pathogens. I had become overrun by parasites, fungus and viruses. The only thing my body was fighting against was ME - most of my organs, parts of my brain, my hormones and even my blood. I have had allergies to much of my body and clearing those and the environmental issues has allowed my body to now start fighting pathogens instead. Hallelujah!
Also recently, a most exciting development occurred ... I came in with the beginning of a horrible and possibly the worst migraine ever, (which would last no less than four days once it starts). Tracy is very open to working with her clients and I really value that. Together we came up with a treatment that day that just simply cleared all of the migraine in a few hours and it didn’t return... I never thought allergies could extend to people. I am so delighted and excited to experience the shifts in relationship that clearing allergies to people. In conclusion, I have received so many potent and life altering benefits from Tracy Southwick ... I am eternally grateful to my friend and colleague, Nancy Kern, for referring me. I highly recommend an appointment with Tracy to investigate anything that ails you.”
E. C., Houston
“When I came to Heights of Health I was Desperate! I had been experiencing Chronic Insomnia for over 2 months, and I was literally at my wits end! Trying to figure out what the problem was and what I could do to SLEEP all night once again. I went from sleeping peacefully 8 hours a night to waking up about every 30 - 40 minutes, and nothing in my life has changed significantly. I exercise every day and live a fairly healthy lifestyle and there seemed to be nothing wrong with me physically. I tried everything to get to sleep...even hypnosis. I also, very reluctantly, used some prescription sleep aids, which knocked me out but left me the next day in a horrible fog, and I knew this was NOT the answer. I found Heights of Health..just driving by in the neighborhood. Within 4 days I was sleeping for longer and longer periods until at last I was once again sleeping all night long. Words alone cannot express my deep gratitude and appreciation for the assistance I have received~~~thank
you all so much.”
S. L., Houston
“Mom will be happy to hear that you will send the items, she is really doing well. When someone asks her how she is, she says ‘wonderful, I just feel so good,’ it is all a tribute to you and all your recommendations for her.”
J. W., Houston
“I wanted to let you know that the energy treatment and homeopathic drops for my irregular period is working! I am right on time this month! I am so glad that I found you!”
L. L., Houston
“I've had great experience with Tracy's work - both personally and professionally. I send clients to her that have allergies to clear and clients that have more complex problems such as autoimmune disorders. I think her ECR work is different than other practitioners because she addresses the emotional and mental aspects of allergies, in addition to the physical attributes. Tracy does exceptional work!”
Gwen Foster, ND, Owner of The Living Center in Katy
"I wanted to let you know that we got GREAT news at my daughter's cardiology appointment last Thursday! There has hardly been any change in the size of her left ventricle from our last appointment 6 weeks ago! The trend is typically that if it starts increasing greatly in size (it did this between our the two appointments before), that it will continue to skyrocket in size. Well, it didn't! The doctor was even amazed! We have another appointment in 2 months to check again. She still expects we will be doing surgery before her first birthday, but only God
knows. We are overjoyed and feel a tremendous weight lifted! Thank you for all your care and guidance over the years! I am so blessed by you.
K. F., Houston
“When I was referred, I was suffering from a myriad of health problems, the worst of which was nine months of constant menstrual bleeding. For more than twenty years prior, I looked to countless medical doctors, including specialists, for answers to my abnormal bleeding, thyroid issues, hormone imbalances, depression, and fatigue. After only a few sessions with Tracy, the bleeding stopped, the depression subsided, and my energy levels increased. I will continue to recommend anyone I know in need of help!”
E. M., Texas
“My heart is so full as you are so gifted; and, I come away with feeling more healed each time I see you. Did not know I needed so much fixin‚ up--but, there's a pretty neat person that wants to come out and play full-out. Your support and gifts are doing just that. Anyway, my headache is gone and my outlook is so much stronger; so, anytime you need a testimonial that [ECR clearing] works and you, as the messenger, are just AWESOME!!”
M. J. M., Texas
“A good friend of mine introduced me to Tracy and raved about how good she is. Now it is my turn to sing her praises. I went initially to try and get rid of persistent headaches and to try and regain a better sense of overall well being. Three months later, having discovered and cleared a number of allergies, I am delighted to say that I haven’t had a headache in that time, I am enjoying red wine again for the first time in years, and overall I have a much calmer outlook on life and an increased ability to cope with whatever is thrown at me (personal and professional). I can thoroughly recommend Tracy and the team at Heights of Health to anyone, and
regularly do!"
L. K.
“After several months of horrible periods with cramping that left me incapacitated and vomiting, I went to see Sonya. I had known for several years that I was estrogen dominant, but had never had the complications I was experiencing. We discovered that I was allergic to my uterus, liver, and estrogen, and the culmination was expressing itself with the same symptoms as uterine fibroids. Sonya treated me with [ECR] and cleared me for these allergies. I had been bleeding for 3 weeks straight prior to my appointment, and sometime overnight my
bleeding stopped! My OB-GYN had previously scheduled for me 3 days later for a pelvic ultrasound and uterine biopsy to determine if indeed any fibroids were present. By the end of my appointment and tests no fibroids whatsoever were found, and all my other symptoms had stopped! My hormones appear to be back to normal, and I haven’t experienced any return of any of the previous symptoms. I’m so glad I went to Heights of Health and I’m so grateful for Sonya and her expertise for helping me get my life back!”
P. R., Houston
"I just wanted to tell you what a 180 degree difference that affirmation has meant in eliminating the 'sticking problem' in my throat when swallowing, The difference is really amazing! I have had 4 meals, several glasses of liquids, and all of my pills without the sticking problem and minimal phlegm. When I feel it coming on, I repeat the affirmation and a peace comes over me, and it passes. Thanks so much to all three of you for all of the help that you have, and are, giving me - you are such a blessing!”
"I just want to say that after 13 years of battling lupus which the doctors said I would have until they find a cure, I took a leap of faith and listened to my 'crazy' uncle. I gave Heights of Health a try. After only 2 visits and following the plan that was prepared for me, I have almost no symptoms of lupus or anything for that matter. It has given me a second chance at a full and healthy life. My expectations before were to hopefully live to 50 and see my youngest daughter graduate high school. Today I feel like I could break the record for the oldest man alive. Thank you so much for helping me and doing what you are doing. I challenge anyone with health issues or if you just want to feel better to give Height of Health a try. You will not be disappointed, I promise."
“When you had me process with the vial of dopamine I had a really strange and wonderful thing happen. When I was first lying still I was pretty uncomfortable - my breathing was somewhat labored and I just felt overall ill at ease. After a few minutes, I had the sensation of something collecting from all over my body into my abdomen. Once collected I felt a rolling action in my gut and then something released from me. Immediately after, I felt very comfortable, my breathing became very calm and I felt very much at peace. When I left your office I could barely talk I was so overwhelmed with the peace I felt. The most interesting thing is ever since I have felt so joyful, unafraid, peaceful and most important my cravings for cocaine have gone from a 8 - 9 to maybe a 1 - 1.5. At work I find myself being happy doing routine things I haven't enjoyed in years. I have conversations with people and feel more 'present' than I can ever remember. I am so grateful to and for you. I have to say I was at first very skeptical about your process - I am now a huge believer. Thank you so much. “
D. S., Houston
"I feel so much better since my Candida clear this afternoon!!!! I can breathe!!!! I know you are used to it (and so should I) but I am still so amazed at the results!!! This works. Thank you for helping me so much.”
G. B., Houston
"I had seen a functional medicine doctor in Houston for treatment of SIBO. This included a visit with their dietician who told me to adopt a strict AIP way of eating. I stalled on starting the treatment and the diet because my gut was telling me something wasn’t adding up; that there was more to the story. This is when I scheduled an appointment with Amanda. Amanda was such a breath of fresh air compared to my previous experience! She has a very practical and common sense approach, engages in dialogue about experiences with diet, supplements, and lifestyle and doesn’t leave any stone unturned when determining the best approach to healing. After reviewing my medical history and talking to me about my goals, she did extensive muscle testing which confirmed that what my gut had been telling me was right. I did not need to be on such a restrictive diet and I needed to continue on some homeopathic remedies for my protocol. I was so relieved! Amanda is engaging, intuitive, explorative and very thorough. I cannot say enough good things about her and Heights of Health!"
L. S.
L. S.
"Amanda is a very talented practitioner. She is extremely knowledgeable in her field and intuitive and thoughtful in her care. She empowers you to learn not only about a healthy body but a healthy mind, while never pushing her personal agenda. I started seeing her for one reason and ended up feeling better in other areas of my life that I did not realize needed balance. Some things Amanda has helped me with are inflammation, constipation and digestive issues, sleep and anxiety and just overall feeling happier! I look forward to my time with her and absolutely recommend her if you're looking to improve your health and life."
L. J.
Amanda practices in an area where most clients have become frustrated from lack of results, conflicting information, and a variety of emotional issues that accompany those things. Despite these hurdles in her practice, Amanda possesses a gift to apply both science and common sense, discipline and empathy to help her clients achieve their goals. She has tremendous listening skills she couples with excellent research skills and practical tips to provide clients with not only a do-able action list, but she also addresses the emotional aspects through muscle testing and ECR to obtain optimum results. She’s the whole package and the real deal – I could not recommend her services more highly!
S. H.
Holistic Therapy Testimonials
"To all parents out there who have lost hope, who feel they cannot get their child back, and fear daily they will never have that love for their child again -please don't give up. Our 7 year old daughter has sensory processing disorder and her daily unpredictable, unstoppable tantrums were debilitating to our family and breaking down our relationships. She had experienced severe bullying and her tantrums turned violent. We tried traditional behavioral psychotherapy, multiple psychiatrists, many different medications for over 1.5 years with no significant progress. Heather Goodwin is the most compassionate, intelligent, intuitive provider and healer. Our daughter, with Heather's help, was able to become more self confident, gain impulse control, regain her loving bond with her brother, make strides with her PTSD, and have decreased anxiety at school. I will be forever in debt for Heights of Health for helping our little girl heal."
A. M., Houston
“Heights of Health, specifically Heather, has worked wonders for our son. His anxiety has lessened by leaps and bounds. Bedtime has become much more peaceful and calm. We have lowered his ADHD medication. Heather truly cares about her clients and their parents. She takes the time to know what makes her clients tick and tailors their work accordingly. We always look forward to coming to see Heather!”
A. L.
“ My son was having a very hard time dealing with his anger and it was causing a tremendous amount of strain on our relationship and the entire family. Heather has been the most amazing saving grace to all of us! We now have our sweet kid back. Not only has he learned how to control his temper, be happier and learn life lessons, I have learned a lot too. The entire family is beyond grateful for Heather and the staff at Heights of Health. “
J. H.
“I met Heather at a workshop at St. Martins. I was very impressed with what she spoke about. I have
gone to Heather many times. For those of you that would like to have less stress in your life, less anxiety and any other behavior modification you may be dealing with, be good to yourself and call today for an appointment with Heather. I did! “
F. R.
“The last month has had a few more twists and turns than I like, but the best part is that I am dealing with it in a very reasonable fashion, which is not the norm for me the past few years. What this means, I believe, is that the work Heather and I did is paying off in ways not expected; I am calmer and clearer with the stuff that comes in as perceived interference. I have been amazed with the effects of the meditation and other exercises Heather taught me continue to build.”
J. M.
“A friend referred me to the Heights of Health when I told her about my hesitation to put my daughter on ADHD medicine. Sonya and Heather have provided us with valuable information for my daughter to use at home and school. Sonya used BioResonance Techonology to do an analysis of her body and recommended natural supplements and a couple of ECR sessions. Heather also suggested natural supplements along with strategies and tools for me to incorporate at home that have been very beneficial. The positive and holistic advice that we have received from the two of them have been life changing!”
H. T., Houston
“We were at our wits-end with our 7-yr old son. Years of behavioral therapy got us nowhere, and on a whim, I decided to check out Heather at HoH -- what a GAME CHANGER!!!! I get a lump in my throat just thinking about how much she has done for my son, myself, and our family with her positive approach, her respect for children, and her strong desire to help them and their parents.
Heather has given our son the tools he needs so that he can RESPOND, not react... And she's been there every step of the way encouraging me, as well. We are so glad to have our sweet boy back! Thank you, Heather!!”
R. H.
“We were on out way to placing our child in a residential facility before we found Heather and HOH. I believe Heather's knowledge, positive energy and patience changed the course of my child's life. It also greatly improved our family as a whole. We are now in a much more positive place as a whole and my son keeps growing and learning and daily utilizes the tools Heather is teaching him."
P. H.
'On November 30, 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Being a physician myself, I figured I could research my way through it - that was my coping mechanism for any problem, really. However, it failed me the day I had a panic attack during my radiation simulation. I was started on lexapro and clonazepam by a psychiatrist at MD Anderson. But she suggested I also try therapy. That is when I started to see Heather. She began very gently teaching me how to meditate and be mindful. That alone kept me from needing to take the clonazepam for my treatments.
I cannot tell you what path my life may have continued on without the wake-up call of breast cancer. With Heather’s help, I have so many tools to deal with my anxiety and perfectionism and imposter syndrome. She knew I was initially resistant to all things “alternative” and guided me through the process very slowly. We have evolved from meditation and mindfulness to tapping to muscle testing to detox sessions to clearings to me taking a muscle/energy testing workshop (and using it on my family!). All of this has led me to apply - and be accepted - for an Integrative Medicine fellowship created by Andrew Weil. I cannot wait to add this realm to my own practice of medicine. Heather is amazing! I’m excited to see what’s next on our journey together!"
K. O., MD
Holistic Spirit Testimonials
"For years I have traveled for miles to get Reiki and other natural services, all the while there was this amazing bungalow in my own neighborhood and I didn't even know it. The stars aligned when I met Cheryl. I've seen her twice now and I already starting to feel more like my true self. Simply put, Cheryl is an amazing healer and such a wonderful giver of
her talent..."
T. R.
"I am feeling AMAZING! Feeling really calm and happy in myself, full of self-love and feeling the flow! Wow! What a wonderful way to be! Even as tension arises, I am able to smile and laugh at the transience of conflict. Thank you, thank you thank you!”
J. A., San Fransico
“I want to tell you that my session with you was transformational and amazing! I felt so much peace and a general sense of well being!...This is really working! Makes me feel like I am regenerating myself!”
J. B.
"Thank you so much, I see a big difference in her ability to control her anger. She can get angry without it turning into rage. She is starting to take more of an interest in school and we are getting along much better."
S. V., Texas
“Thank you so very much for your MBR[[MBSR] clearing this week, Laura! I cannot tell you how much more clarity and peace I have. The day after the clearing was the best and most clear-headed day I have had in months, if not years. I feel like myself again. Also, a strange thing happened, too. For a month I had been experiencing a bad tooth pain with sensitivity, making it difficult for me to chew. I had not been able to get into the dentist, but the pain totally went away after the clearing! I am a believer and you are truly gifted. Thank you so very much!”
T. S., Houston
"Thank you Tracy for all you do for and have done for me!!! I will be forever in your debt for the blessings you have bestowed upon me and mine. Yesterday was a GREAT success!!! Thank you for equipping me with the armor I need to protect, love and take care of myself. To me, it is you, Sonya and the rest of the truly gifted ladies at Heights of Health who are the real gifts!!!"
J. C.
"The MBR [MBSR] sessions with Tracy challenge you to think about what you are grateful for about your body, and minimize negative self-talk; It challenged me to be intentional with what I eat and how I take care of my body. This, coupled with the clearings facilitated by Tracy, have greatly helped me to feel stronger and more confident in myself. I am extremely thankful for MBR [MBSR] and would recommend this service to anyone without hesitation."
J. S.
"MBR [MBSR] has enlightened me about my subconscious limiting beliefs and destructive thoughts about my body, that affect me physically and emotionally. MBR [MBSR] has restored a sense of love and appreciation for my body that I haven’t felt in some time. I am tremendously grateful for Tracy and her life-changing work. MBR [MBSR] is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself!"
A. M.
'On November 30, 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Being a physician myself, I figured I could research my way through it - that was my coping mechanism for any problem, really. However, it failed me the day I had a panic attack during my radiation simulation. I was started on lexapro and clonazepam by a psychiatrist at MD Anderson. But she suggested I also try therapy. That is when I started to see Heather. She began very gently teaching me how to meditate and be mindful. That alone kept me from needing to take the clonazepam for my treatments.
I cannot tell you what path my life may have continued on without the wake-up call of breast cancer. With Heather’s help, I have so many tools to deal with my anxiety and perfectionism and imposter syndrome. She knew I was initially resistant to all things “alternative” and guided me through the process very slowly. We have evolved from meditation and mindfulness to tapping to muscle testing to detox sessions to clearings to me taking a muscle/energy testing workshop (and using it on my family!). All of this has led me to apply - and be accepted - for an Integrative Medicine fellowship created by Andrew Weil. I cannot wait to add this realm to my own practice of medicine. Heather is amazing! I’m excited to see what’s next on our journey together!"
K. O., MD