Fast Track Emotional Healing for the New Year
Dec 28, 2020
What is the Most Direct Route to Accessing Your Emotions
and How Can Healing be Facilitated?
Did you know that our sense of smell is the only sense tied to the limbic area or the emotional control center of the brain? This means that when essential oils are inhaled, they go directly to the emotional center of the brain. Our other four senses (taste, sight, touch, and hearing) are first routed through the thalamus before reaching designated areas of the brain.

Emotional clearing and support have been such an important part of what we do at Heights of Health because we know that our emotions can play such an important role in the health of the entire body. Tracy Southwick, Heather Goodwin, and I wanted to create something that would help clients maintain and reach a sustained level of emotional well-being and vibrant health.
We created the TriVibrance™ five powerful and synergistic oil blends which are energetically embedded by a technology that imprints frequencies. We use this same technology at Heights of Health to imprint the diodes for your electronics and for the imprints that we use in our clearing process.
These five unique oil blends were specifically selected and combined with the up-leveling healing frequencies to create a beneficial effect greater than each could achieve individually. Each oil blend helps you release negative emotional blocks to allow the flow of higher vibration energy into and throughout the body.

Blend 1 is Peace and Freedom and it contains the oils of frankincense, myrrh, turmeric, ylang ylang, and eucalyptus and it helps release the discordant emotions of anger, frustration, stress, trapped, discontented, resentment, inflexible, overwhelmed, depleted and it allows and increases the positive emotions of peace, balance, freedom, integrated, grounded, stable, flexible, patient, and resilient.
Blend 2 is Faith and Security and it contains the oils of clary sage, patchouli, frankincense, vetiver, juniper berry and it helps release the discordant emotions of fear, insecurity, loneliness, betrayal, panic, controlling, anxiety, hopelessness, scattered and it allows and increases the positive emotions of faith, trust, hope, confidence, courage, grounding, and peace.
Blend 3 is Compassion and Forgiveness and it contains the oils of frankincense, neroli, turmeric, pink pepper, vetiver and it helps release the discordant emotions of disconnection, guilt, shame, unworthiness, greed, judgment, bitterness and it allows and increases the positive emotions of compassion, forgiveness, generosity, worthiness, and connection.
Blend 4 is Joy and Purpose and it contains the oils of frankincense, myrrh, turmeric, spikenard, melissa, lime and it helps release the discordant emotions of lost, sad, grief, disconnected, apathetic, alone, hopelessness, paralyzed and it allows and increases the positive emotions of joy, purpose, gratitude, optimism, hope, engaged and balanced.
Blend 5 is Clarity and Manifestation and it contains the oils of lavender, geranium, myrrh, sandalwood, wild orange and it helps release the discordant emotions of stuck, confused, muddled, scattered, overwhelmed and it allows and increases the positive emotions of clarity, intuition, creativity, manifestation, meditation, alignment, initiative and inspiration.
Another defining characteristic that sets the TriVibrance™ oils apart from others is that each oil not only correlates with very specific emotions but also helps strengthen 2 specific organs. For instance, Peace and Freedom helps release worry from the stomach and spleen, Faith and Security helps release fear from the kidneys and gallbladder, Compassion and Forgiveness helps release anger from the liver and gallbladder, Joy and Purpose helps release sadness from the lungs and large intestine and Clarity and Manifestation helps release anxiety from the heart and small intestines.
When you purchase any TriVibrance™ oil at Heights of Health during the month of January 2021, you will receive 10% off along with a free transformative audio with the accompanying printable handout called The Vibrant Flow™ (a $20 value).
The Vibrant Flow™ helps release toxic emotions from certain major organs by combining the use of a specialized breath technique with the power of each of the five TriVibrance™ blends.