Heights of Health Finalist at the 2023 & 2024 Houston Chronicle's Best of the Best

In the Spirit of Halloween…Let’s Talk About Parasites. Are You a Host?

Sep 30, 2024

This month, we are so excited to be bringing back a newsletter format that we hope you will love as
much as we do. Heights of Health’s founder, Tracy Southwick, MBSR-MP, ND, HHP and her head of the Holistic Therapy Department, Heather Goodwin, MBSR- P, MA, HHP, will co-author the monthly articles, each from her unique perspective, giving a truly holistic viewpoint as Tips from Tracy and Hints from Heather. Heather and Tracy will also be recording short videos about the subject matter to help you learn and make easy lifestyle changes to improve your health. So, here goes…


Tips from Tracy

If you have been a client of Heights of Health, it is likely that you have heard us speak about parasites.  We feel it is a pervasive issue these days primarily due to our toxic environment and lack of awareness.  Many other countries continue to acknowledge and treat parasites in their populations on a regular basis.  While we will deworm our pets and animals, we pretend that, as humans, we are immune to these infestations.  In our country, we often prefer not to think about creepy parasites.  But when we DO give thought to parasites, they do not have to be thought of as ‘scary parasites’ because our practitioners specialize in parasite detox supplements, along with parasite cleanse supplements and programs which can truly be transformative!


Rather than talk about why and how to detox, this month I want to share a few potentially novel tips
around how to avoid parasite exposure – just be aware that you can get parasites virtually anywhere.

1) If you are traveling to another country with possible sanitation issues…
a. Avoid the obvious potentially tainted sources (tap water, ice (this is a biggie), brushing teeth in tap water, salads, undercooked meats, etc.)
b. Take anti-parasitic herbs and probiotics while you are traveling and continue for several days upon returning home. Parasite supplements I love are Para 2, Para 3 and Para 4 for this purpose. Ask your practitioner which one might be best for you.
c. Also, take a binder, as many countries (actually, the USA, included) allow the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture and home pesticide applications. HMET and ViRadChem Binders are great choices.

2) Deworm your pets! Video Here
a. Many people assume that if they are using heartworm medication, that is enough to
keep your pets worm-free. Heartworm medication typically treats a narrow range of potential critters, but certainly not all. I would recommend using an herbal (appropriate to your pet) dewormer monthly during the full moon. Fenbendazole is readily available (Chewy.com or Amazon or Walmart), as well, and has a good safety profile when used properly. Talk to your pet’s healthcare provider about options.
b. Parasites are easily transferred by pets licking you, petting them without washing hands and sleeping in your bed, just saying 

3) Reduce your exposure through foods Video Here

a. Sushi….yes, it’s a biggie. In Japan, nice restaurants have a dedicated person who, with a
microscope, picks worms, eggs and cysts out of the fish before serving. I’ve certainly never seen that in the US. In fact, you can have thousands of eggs in just one bite.
i. Wasabi and ginger can help kill the bad guys, but I would not depend on that alone. I recommend taking a shot of apple cider vinegar after you eat raw fish, as raising your stomach acid is your first defense.
ii. Additionally, I would recommend taking an antiparasitic (parasite supplement) with your meal like Para 3 if you continue to enjoy your sushi (or ceviche, for that matter).                                                   

b. Wash/Soak your raw fruits and veggies in an apple cider vinegar solution. A lot of farms use manure to fertilize crops – you can connect the dots.This is also purported to remove pesticide residues.
c. In addition to cooking animal proteins (meats, poultry, seafood) all the way through, always clean your cutting boards, cutlery (handles, too) and countertops with ACV and water. You can make a 1:1 spray and keep it under the sink. Include these antiparasitic foods in your diet: garlic, pumpkin seeds and cloves.

“Tips” By Tracy Southwick  Master MBSR-P, ND (Trad.), HHP, CNHP, CNA,
AMP Owner/Founder: www.heightsofhealth.com  713-861-6777


Hints from Heather

Tracy educated us about physical critters. I’d like to introduce the notion of “energetic parasites”.  I believe there are 3 forms of energetic parasites. 1. People-y Parasites or “Energy Vampires” (you know exactly who I am talking about!) 2. Environmental Parasites or those sneaky invisible energies that drain us like EMFs, radiation, pollution, toxins and 3. Mental Parasites--Yep, our negative thoughts!

Below, I will share 3 of my favorite energetic parasite protection tools.  These specific tools were developed at a side company Tracy and I own (along with Stacy) called TriVibrance™ where we develop products and exercises that are frequency-imprinted for protection.  At Heights of Health, Peyton and I often borrow these TriVibrance™ tools/techniques when are working with our Heights of Health clients in our Holistic Therapy Services.  And today, I want to share these powerhouses with you…bye bye energetic parasites!

  • People-y Parasites. In any given day, we are likely to encounter an individual who energetically “sucks” the life out of us. Introducing the Vibrant Protection™ exercise. I encourage you to do this quick technique each morning before you launch into your day, but most especially before you encounter THAT person! Here are the links to Vibrance Protection videos (shortest first):





  • Environmental Parasites.  In today’s world, it is nearly impossible to avoid exposure from all those environmental toxins mentioned above. If you are mindful of how your energy is affected, you might notice how drained you feel after being on your laptop or phone all day, after exposure to the high levels of radiation from flying or after being in a particularly polluted city. Try these 2 TriVibrance™ goodies.


          Electronic Diodes. Place one of these small, but powerful sticker diodes on all your electronics, your outlets, routers and even your personal or kitchen appliances to protect you from EMFs and dirty energy. 


          Personal Protective Diode and Necklace. The personal diodes are the size of a quarter and can be worn on the body (right side where we receive energy) in the bra, pocket or sock. They can also be placed under the mattress/pillow, in the car, in purse, or snuck into a kid’s backpack etc for extra protection. The beautiful protective necklaces come in silver or gold, long or short and help protect the central meridian, heart space and our solar plexus.


  • Mental Parasites. Research has shown us that our body doesn’t know the difference between a physical toxin (parasite) and a mental toxin (a negative thought). The body unleashes a similar chemical attack when exposed to both. Both make us sick! So take charge of your negative thinking by using The Vibrant Affirmation™ exercise. Add this easy tool (alongside the Vibrant Protection™) to your daily routine and watch your negative mental chatter transform into powerfully potent superpowers. We have all heard that our thoughts create our reality. (It’s true—manifestation indeed starts with our thoughts. We will give you more on that in another edition of Tips from Tracy and Hints from Heather!) Test this truth yourself and try The Vibrant Affirmation™ for 3 weeks and see what not only shows up in your new mental dialogues, but what may begin to transmute in your life. Here are links to Vibrant Affirmation videos (shortest first): 

           Short (under 2 min!)  

           Long (13 min)  

“Hints” by Heather M. Goodwin, MA,HHP

Director, Holistic Therapy Services, Heights of Health

Co-Founder, TriVibranceTM



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