Heights of Health Finalist at the 2024 Houston Chronicle's Best of the Best

Heights of Health's Blog

What did we learn from Covid? Letā€™s Take Stock. Sep 02, 2024

As we have recently passed the 4-year mark of the start of...

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Understanding and Mitigating Invisible Dangers at Home and Away Jul 01, 2024

When most of us think about radioactive elements (aka...

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Detoxification of Your Body and Mind Apr 02, 2024

THE BAD NEWS…We live in a toxic world, surrounded by...

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Wellness Dentistry: One Dentistā€™s Personal Journey Sep 30, 2023

Forward by Tracy Southwick:

Dear Clients, For many years I...

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Is it Time for Your Post-Summer Detox? Aug 31, 2023

Yes, it is that time of year again. After a few months of...

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Detox Your Emotions Apr 05, 2022

Tracy was featured as a guest on the True Detox podcast. Below...

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New Year, Clean Start! Detoxing the Mind, Body, and Spirit Dec 17, 2019

Most of make resolutions and very few of us actually stick to...

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26 Seconds: Makeup Ingredients To Avoid Aug 29, 2016

The major organs and glands of the human endocrine system...

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